Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter 2010!

The McInnis family had a wonderful Easter! Molly (almost 7) and Miles (almost 3) had a BIG day! We were so glad to spend the holiday with our friends, Betty and Clark this year. We hope that you and your family had a wonderful time together celebrating that OUR SAVIOUR LIVES!


  1. It was great to run into you guys this morning! Sounds like the rest of your day was great. We look forward to hanging out sometime soon!!

  2. You guys are the cutest family ever! I will have to catch up with you here too! Okay, I am runner wanna be, so you and Matt are definitely my inspiration after I have this baby girl. : ) I think that is absolutely AWESOME! I tried to start a bootcamp in the fall and loved it! A week into I started getting sick big time...with baby. Okay, I am going to check out your book review! Say hello to Matt and Molly and Miles from us! Enjoy your summer and I am thrilled for you and your new job! Keep me posted!


Molly & Miles

Molly & Miles
Halloween 2009 - Dorothy and the Cowardly Lion